About us
Two out of my three daughters have bad reactions to mosquito bites. When they were younger, there were often 2am wake-ups after they had been bitten while they slept. I have never liked to use toxic insect sprays in the house, and also
hated wasting my time running around after bugs in the room.
Mosquitoes are the number one predator that kill humans every year, and that is scary as a parent. We Aussies love an indoor-outdoor lifestyle, and who wants to compromise on that in order to keep safe and unbitten in your home?
So, I looked for a solution to protect my family that would be easy, set-and-forget, non-toxic, and stop adding empty spray cans to landfill. Quash was born. Our indoor insect traps seductively lure insects in with a gentle UV light, and
when they get near the light they are sucked into the trap with a suction fan. Works for mozzies, gnats, fruit flies,moths, midges. They are non-toxic, quiet and easy. Plus, they don’t look too shabby :)
(Extra bonus: I’m also a crazy indoor “plant parent”, and am constantly battling fungus gnats in my home, which sealed the deal for me when starting up Quash - as my indoor traps will also catch your gnats, help break the egg-larvae cycle, and save your plants from the impending death that gnats eventually cause).
We can’t wait for you to enjoy the benefits of Quash in your home or business. In our home it has meant no more night wakings with our kids, suffering from itchy mozzie bites; no more plant gnats and no more disgusting fruit flies in our
We have chosen a few select items to launch our Quash range. We invite you to grow with us as we introduce more
choices in the future and see where this journey takes us together.
Happy bug catching!
Naomi & the Quash Family xoxo.

Our Insect Traps come with our Bug-Slaying Guarantee. If you’re not happy with the performance of your Quash, reach out to us within 12 months of your purchase, and we’ll give you your money back.
Your buzz-free indoor life is our number one goal.